Written By: Brenda Golden
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The Lauren Glick Band will play Sunday at Coconuts Beach Bar & Grill.
Don't miss Teenage Rust & The Fabulous Rustettes at beautiful Sunset Park in downtown Ocean City on Thursday, August 15 at 7pm.
Hi, all.  What do I talk about today?  I don’t know.  Looking back over the week, I didn’t go anywhere.  Why not, you may ask.  I know I missed a lot of fabulous music; places that were on my radar to cover.   It’s been boring health stuff mostly.  I had a really bad reaction to my regular eye shots and couldn’t see for a few days.  And I have a disc bulge that’s making it even more difficult than usual to walk.  I’m hoping to conquer all this soon because the lineup at Coconuts Beach Bar & Grill is super this week starting with Monkee Paw tonight, The Royal Flush Band Saturday and The Lauren Glick Band on Sunday.  You can check the Who’s Where When section to see the full schedule; the only place I know to have two acts every single day.

Many thanks to my associate Terry Sullivan who has taken wonderful pictures at several of the places I wanted to be.  Check those out in Fun Fotos.  It makes me smile to see all my friends having a good time listening to some of the best music around.  Thank you, Terry.  And thanks, too, to friends Patty Smith and Tish Michel for sending me a few as well.  Tish was at Sunset Park last night (Thursday) to hear the incomparable Tranzfusion; I’ll have that picture for you next time.  This is a perfect spot to tell you that I just got word from our local rock star Billy Carder that Teenage Rust & The Fabulous Rustettes will perform on the bayside stage of Sunset Park next Thursday, August 15, at 7pm.  It’s always such a good time hearing these musicians play - like a family reunion, really.  Billy and Howard Wimbrow lead on guitars with Paul Grandel on bass, Crystal Grandel on keyboard and T Lutz on drums with our beautiful Dancing Queen Maddy Carder on backup vocals and tambourine.  Join in on the fun at beautiful Sunset Park.

I’m having a really hard time sitting at my desk, friends, so I’m going to cut it really short this time around.  Hopefully I’ll have heard some great music I can tell you about next week.  Til then, be kind and party safe.

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