Posted On: 9/20/24
Written By: Brenda Golden

Hi, y’all. I vowed to myself that I wouldn’t skip more than one week chatting with you so here I am. As most of you know, I’m not getting out to as many performances as I use to because of this daggone hip pain; but I manage two or three times a week. How about you? Wednesday a week ago I went to Coconuts Beach Bar & Grill to hear Heather Vidal who played at noon. Being a night owl, I rarely get out that early but this amazing artist is more than worth the effort. I joined my friend Lauren who, being a singer/songwriter herself, really appreciates the talent of this amazing performer. Not only does she have a voice that spans several octaves, but she’s an accomplished guitarist as well. And, she has an extensive catalogue of original material. We loved her song called “Coconut Rum;” so clever and upbeat. We stayed for the second act to hear our friend Sarah Robins perform with Neil as Endless Ember. Sarah is a rare jewel as she is able to partner with several different g...
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Posted On: 9/6/24
Written By: Brenda Golden

Hey, y’all. Teenage Rust played at Coins on Memorial Day Monday and I was there along with so many other faithful friends - and we had a blast! You should have already viewed some pictures from that day including one of keyboard/singer Crystal Grandel who just radiates joy. God has certainly blessed her with so much talent. Her hubby Paul does a lot of the vocals and is the bass player, while Howard Wimbrow plays lead guitar. Howard also plays with No Byscuyts and Comfort Zone. Holding down the bottom is T Lutz on drums, always having a good time back there. Center stage is the couple we all love to love, Maddy & Billy Carder. Billy plays guitar, too, and sings a few; he does a great Johnny Cash. I always call Maddy our ‘Dancing Queen’ because she does just that while providing backup vocals and tambourine. What a fun show they put on each and every time. Let’s all get together again to hear them play at M.R. Ducks on Sunday, October 4, at 4p.It’s been a wonderful weeke...
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Posted On: 8/30/24
Written By: Brenda Golden

Sometimes I sit down to write and nothing comes to mind, partly because I’ve not been out much; but now, since it’s been three weeks, I think it’s more than that. Usually I begin with a “Hi, friends” or “Hi, y’all;” but sometimes I don’t know what to say next. Is this truly ‘writer’s block’? I guess so. The only word that has come to mind for the past few weeks is ‘sometimes.’ And so I begin.Okay, I’m staring at the screen again. You know what? I think I’ve been watching too much TV where I stare at the screen and I’m not required to say anything. I’m going to break out of that right now. I recently had a conversation with lovely songbird Sarah Robins of Endless Ember about how her summer has been. Yeah, can’t believe it’s Labor Day Weekend already ... now there’s where I would normally have begun to write. Anyway, she has performed at many venues with many different duo partners, including Chris Sajadi who is the regular lead guitarist with Doug Balch in The Mercury Agenda a...
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Posted On: 8/9/24
Written By: Brenda Golden

Hi, all. What do I talk about today? I don’t know. Looking back over the week, I didn’t go anywhere. Why not, you may ask. I know I missed a lot of fabulous music; places that were on my radar to cover. It’s been boring health stuff mostly. I had a really bad reaction to my regular eye shots and couldn’t see for a few days. And I have a disc bulge that’s making it even more difficult than usual to walk. I’m hoping to conquer all this soon because the lineup at Coconuts Beach Bar & Grill is super this week starting with Monkee Paw tonight, The Royal Flush Band Saturday and The Lauren Glick Band on Sunday. You can check the Who’s Where When section to see the full schedule; the only place I know to have two acts every single day.Many thanks to my associate Terry Sullivan who has taken wonderful pictures at several of the places I wanted to be. Check those out in Fun Fotos. It makes me smile to see all my friends having a good time listening to some of the best music arou...
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Posted On: 8/2/24
Written By: Brenda Golden

Hi, friends. Okay, you can call me a slacker. That’s right ... because I haven’t written this column/blog since July 12. Mainly it’s because I haven’t been out too much due to weather issues, both rain and heat; but also because I’ve been processing the alarming diagnosis my daughter Colleen received recently of a brain tumor pressing on the optic nerve. Yeah, scary stuff. While we have not been to see the neurosurgeon yet, her neurologist has allayed our fears somewhat by telling us that it is rather common, not malignant and is small. It does, however, need to be removed so we’re anxiously awaiting how she will be proceeding with treatment. You may have seen this news on facebook already. I would like to thank everyone for their kind and encouraging remarks. So please forgive me for being off my game.As I said, I haven’t been out much but I did make it to Coconuts Beach Bar & Grill last Sunday to hear The Bilenki Duo. George and Pat are both excellent guitarists and voca...
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Posted On: 7/12/24
Written By: Brenda Golden

Hi, y’all. How ya doin’? Yes, I played hookie last week and didn’t write to you at all after procrastinating through the weekend .. no excuse. It certainly wasn’t because I hadn’t heard any music because I did. I was at Coconuts Beach Bar & Grill to hear The Mercury Agenda, a show I always love. I was there again to hear Rick & Regina, another act I thoroughly enjoy. Regina is an incredible vocalist; the only one I know who can sing up into that atmospheric register known as the ‘whistle tone.’ Then I had fun hearing the amazing talents of the players in the String Buzzards at Harborside. AJ Fox is home for the summer (he now lives in Nashville) so it was an added treat to hear him on both mandolin and dobro, along with Darin Engh on banjo and guitar, Sean Loomis on guitar and Wilson Sawyer on upright bass. Too cool! It’s a once-a-month treat to hear these guys play Blue Grass on the last Sunday of every month; check it out next time on July 28th.This past week I had ...
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Posted On: 6/28/24
Written By: Brenda Golden

COCO NIGHTS 062824Hey, everybody out there in fun city - how ya doin’? I must confess the heat made me kinda lazy, often preferring to stay in my lovely air-conditioned living room in my lovely lift recliner chair and let the incredible variety of choices on TV entertain me. Yeah, that sounds like the proverbial ‘couch potato’ doesn’t it - minus the couch. That’s not to say I have been a total hermit; no way, Jose, gotta hear some live music ... and I did!Wednesday I visited The Angler knowing a breeze would be cool off the water ... and it was. What a treat to hear the String Buzzards playing on this beautiful bayside dock bar. Darin on banjo/guitar, Sean on guitar and Wilson on bass played song after song of music straight out of the American Songbook in Blue Grass style. Such a pleasure. The dock bar soon began to fill up when the crew of 85 n’ Sunny beach umbrellas showed up for a company party, courtesy of their boss Pat McLaughlin. Cudos to that hard-working and friendly ...
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Posted On: 6/21/24
Written By: Brenda Golden

Hey, y’all! I made it! Of course I’ve needed a few days to recuperate but I’m here. I told you last week that I would be going to Pennsylvania to meet my new great grandson and I did it. It was challenging to be in the car that long but once in the mountains, we were in total awe. The only thing that put a damper on it was the ears popping at the higher elevation. It was incredible how the roads wound around and around the mountains going ever higher. We passed so many small villages, townships and simple crossroads that if you blinked, you would miss them. I found myself saying, “Where do they go to hear music? Where are the clubs?” So, no folks, it was fun to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there. I can certainly appreciate the beauty of the often pristine forests. One could imagine going back in time before there were any settlements at all. I am in awe of the tenacity of the people who settled there. It appeared that mining and farming are the main industries. I b...
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Posted On: 6/14/24
Written By: Brenda Golden

Hi, friends. Well, color me excited! I’m going on a road trip to meet my brand new GREAT grandson who has the coolest name: Jett James. So happy for proud young parents Haley & Mason who have been blessed with this sweet little guy. It’s been a few years since I ventured out of the area and I’ve never been to the mountains of Pennsylvania; no further than Doe Mountain, that is, when we use to ski. So, yeah, I’m excited.Meanwhile, on the music scene last week, I had a great time hearing a few of my favorite bands starting with Cecilia’s Fall last Saturday at Harborside. Lead guitarist Gavin Hades was on the road with his pal’s Gavin Evick Band; so they enlisted Nalen from The Mercury Agenda to fill in for him. He, of course, did a wonderful job, often dueling guitars with band leader Jeremy. Likewise, bass man Jeff (Full Circle & Chest Pains) was unable to make it, so Eddie filled in on bass. John, as always, was terrific on the drums and Tess was belting out the tunes ...
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Posted On: 6/7/24
Written By: Brenda Golden

Hi, all. Are you enjoying this wonderful sunshine and warm temperatures? I know I am. And I’m really enjoying all the fantastic music being offered all over town; far too many for me to cover them all, that’s for sure. This week I’d like to talk to you about one of my favorite bands - The Dunehounds. I had the pleasure of hearing them last Saturday at Harborside in West O. This talented foursome is comprised of players who are each and every one capable of headlining their own solo shows. Of course, that means each one sings and plays guitar on their own; but I’m getting ahead of myself. Let me introduce you to the band. On lead guitar is Sean Loomis who is one busy guy. You’ll spot him in several other very successful bands: Full Circle, String Buzzards, sometimes Loomatix, sometimes as a duo with such players as AJ Fox, with Darin Engh and whoever joins in on the last Sunday of the month for the Bluegrass Pickup Pickin’ Party at Harborside; and sometimes solo. In fact, you...
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