Written By: Brenda Golden
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Lower Case Blues at High Stakes play an encore performance there Saturday, May 6th.
The Lauren Glick Band had the awesome opportunity to play at The Bitter End in New York showcasing original music from her albums Lush and Maybe I'll Run. Bobby, Lauren, Sarah & Will.
Great to see and hear the incomparable Randy Lee Ashcraft at Vista in the Fenwick Inn where Brian & Taylor play every Wednesday.
Hello out there to all my friends and Coconut Times readers - I’m back!  I took a longer-than-usual winter hiatus this year but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been going out.  No sir-ee!  I’ve been enjoying lots of fabulous music at venues as far north as Harpoon Hanna’s to West Ocean City and Berlin.  The latest hotspot right in my neighborhood is Taphouse West where I’ve had the pleasure of hearing such acts as Lauren Glick, Rockoholics, Hot Sauce Band, Aaron Howell Duo and a few others; plus singing a bit on Tuesdays with Jeremy’s Karaoke.  What I’m really excited about right now, and the reason I’m writing to you, is that Coconuts Beach Bar & Grill at The Castle in the Sand will be opening for the 2024 season on Thursday, May 2.  That, of course, is traditionally the opening weekend to coincide with Springfest.  F&B Manager Jeff Hicks has once again assembled an impressive lineup of talent to entertain us including such long-time favorites as Darin Engh, Monkee Paw, Kevin Poole, Joe Mama, Full Circle, Lime Green Band, Rick & Regina, The Dunehounds, Heather Vidal, Lauren Glick & Sarah Robins and so many more.  Take a look at the schedule in Who’s Where When.  You can arrow forward to see who will be playing in the coming weeks as well.  Let’s get this party started!!

I ventured north last week to hear lower case blues at High Stakes.  On this occasion Jake Banaszak and BJ Munz were joined by Spike (Michael Bryant) on the drums.  I’m happy to announce that Jake, BJ and drummer Tristan Gilbert will soon release their latest collection of all original material on an album to be called Take It For A Ride.  Jake says he expects it to be ready early in May.  Banaszak has that God-given talent that comes from the soul and makes his guitar an extension of his body; and he puts his whole body into it, too, which further draws us into his performance.  And Munz on bass is equally amazing as he thumps and pops and gets sounds out of his bass rarely heard from that instrument - all while doing all the singing.  These guys are a miracle to behold - and hear.  If you’ve never heard them play, be sure to do so at your first opportunity.  They return to High Stakes Saturday, May 6.

Before I go I want to give a shout-out to the members of Teenage Rust & The Fabulous Rustettes.  These folks have brought so much joy to their huge following of friends and fans and I, for one, am thankful that they’ve continued to play despite the closing of BJ’s.  And they so graciously allow this ol’ gal to sing with them so I really appreciate that.  Thank you Billy & Maddy, Crystal & Paul, Howard and TLutz. You guys are the best.

Also, a shout-out to Full Circle who I had the pleasure of hearing recently at Bourbon St.  I’ve said it so many times but I gotta tell ya again, they are so, so good.  The variety of their music is simply astounding and they’re always adding something new.  I was most impressed by a Brandi Carlile song, “Broken Horses” that Michelle sang.  That girl can sing anything.  Then we get double the pleasure with the vocals of Kathy as well.  Last year Sean joined the group which meant another singer and dynamic guitarist to join Kathy on guitar for some awesome sounds.  Holding steady though often flamboyant on bass and drums are Jeff & Joe Mama.  I know I’ll have plenty to say the next time I get to hear them but I’m trying to keep this short for now.

Get out there and enjoy this glorious Spring and the ever-fantastic music of Ocean City.  And remember to always be kind and party safe.  Bye for now!
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