Written By: Brenda Golden
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Alter Ego will perform Saturday at The Purple Moose.
Join the Halloween festivities at Fast Eddie's with Lennon & The Leftovers.
The Cellar Sessions were received most enthusiastically by the audience at The Purple Moose last weekend.
Are you ready for a Spooktacular weekend?  I know you are because Ocean City loves a good party and Halloween weekend is one of the best of the year.  As usual, most every venue in town will be staging a big party with costume contest prizes and lots of very entertaining music.  I’m going to start my weekend with a visit to Fast Eddie’s to hear The Mercury Agenda (you can hear them Saturday at Crawl Street Tavern.)  I’m guessing some enthusiastic folks will be wearing costumes tonight so that will be fun to see.  But probably the big party of the weekend there will be Saturday with music by Lennon & The Leftovers.  I can’t wait to see how the musicians will dress up; they’re always so creative.  I love the year when Ricky’s wife Pam dressed as a Scarecrow.  I didn’t even recognize her.

Case in point: Full Circle has chosen a theme every year and believe me the five of them go all out.  I won’t be at Seacrets to see them but I’m sure some pictures will find their way to me and I’m excited to see them.  They’ll be on the Tiki Stage early with Crash The Party coming on later and Kono Nation on the big stage in the Morley Hall.  I have so many fond memories of judging their contest for many years with the big prize being a trip to Jamaica.  Also a staple of Halloween Costume Contests is Fager’s Island where perennial favorites Animal House will be playing.

I’ll leave those really big and crowded places to you young and ambitious ones.  I’ll be returning to Fast Eddie’s to hear Lennon & The Leftovers and enjoy the music in comfort.  The staff there goes out of their way to ensure my safety and comfort and I thank them for that.  If you don’t know who I am, I’ll be the one in the pointy hat, complete with jaunty feather, pretending to be Professor Minerva McGonagall of Harry Potter fame.  We’re all big kids on this night, aren’t we?  

From there I’ll be heading downtown to the Home of Rock n’ Roll, the legendary Purple Moose.  I may make it there tonight as well to hear J Paris; certainly worth the visit - great band.  Saturday night’s festivities will feature Alter Ego, a seemingly perfect choice as this is what we’ll all be doing, right?  Featuring our own alter egos?  What fun!  The Purple Moose should be your first stop on the actual day of Halloween, that being Monday, where, beginning at 11 am, you can get made up to join the Zombie Bar Crawl!  That’s right!  It was a huge success last year and this year promises to be even better.  If you’re into looking ghoulishy creepy, come join the fun.

Meanwhile, I’d like to tell you about hearing The Cellar Sessions last weekend at The Purple Moose.  I was curious to see/hear if they would live up to the hype in their online bio and I can tell you they more than lived up to it - they did not disappoint, sounding fabulous and looking slick in their black shirts and red ties.  I love it when an entertainer/band makes the effort to present themselves with a little fashion flair with a nod to professionalism - know what I mean?  They were extremely entertaining and friendly, too, as you can see by the photo I took of them when they made time to come and say hello to me.  Rick (guitar), Todd (drums), J.K. (bass) & Dustin (guitar), from near Harrisburg, Penn., were most impressive in their musicality, vocals, harmonies and stage presence.  I hope we get to hear them again next season.  Judging by the audience and staff response, they will be back.

Another fun spot to party is the Harborside Bar & Grill in West OC where favorites Side Project will be playing Saturday afternoon.  You can party there and then go on to the night time parties; if you have the stamina.  Sunday will be the popular Pickup Pickin’ Party hosted by Darin Engh (Opposite Directions) and probably pal Sean Loomis (from The Dunehounds, who will play Sat. at The Globe) along with surprise guests in the Blue Grass pickin’ world.  It’s always a good time; so if you’re not too hungover from Saturday, I’ll see you there.

Also in West OC, there are two really good bands being featured at Pizza Tugos: Lower Case Blues on Friday and Reform School on Saturday.  I love this town where you can hear lots of great music in so many places; I’ve only given you my highlights.  So get out there and have a good time.  Please remember to always party safe; we want you to be around for the next party.

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