Written By: Brenda Golden
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Hear Lime Green Thursday, June 6, at Blu Crabhouse.
Check out Aaron Howell on Wednesday, June 5, at Coconuts Beach Bar & Grill.
Endless Ember, featuring Sarah Robins & Lauren Glick will play Saturday at Saltwater 75.
The Mercury Agenda will perform oceanside at The Jungle Bar (behind the Plaza) on Saturday.
Catch Tranzfusion tonight, Friday, at Bourbon St. on the Beach.
Cecilia's Fall was awesome at Fager's Island.
Hi, all.  It’s been rather an eventful week in my world.  I became a great grandmother, two grandsons graduated from SDHS, both daughters had birthdays and my house needed electrical work.  That was scary; lost power in my office so I couldn’t ‘talk’ to you until now.  But now all is well and as promised at the end of last week’s column, I’m going back to talk about two bands who really knocked my socks off; well, if I wore any that is.

A week ago Wednesday I visited one of my favorite places on the planet to hear one of my favorite bands - Lime Green.  If you know me, you know I’m talking about Coconuts Beach Bar & Grill (behind the Castle in the Sand for new folks).  Singer Angeline Leech is one of the finest vocalists you’ll ever hear; and that’s saying something because I can think of at least ten female singers in our area who are oh-so good.  We are blessed indeed.  Angeline (who plays rhythm guitar) is accompanied by Terry Wilson on guitar, John Murrell on bass and Billy Heiser on drums.  She launched into Fleetwood Mac’s “Dreams” then into a song with which I was not familiar: “Am I Wrong” by Nico & Vinz.  Angeline has a smoky quality to her voice with plenty of power and range.  I loved “Wish I Knew You When We Were Young,” “Two Tickets To Paradise” and “Counting Stars.”  I was impressed as well with her ability to transition from chest to head notes with smooth ease.  Then, “what’s this,” I thought.  Jethro Tull?  Yes, “Jesus Save Me!”  Wow! Then Jefferson Airplane’s “White Rabbit” and Gaga’s “Bad Romance.”  They were just warming up with all these; they covered a wide variety of favorite hits to the delight of the audience who were quickly on their feet dancing.  Be sure to hear them as soon as you can.  They’ll be back at Coconuts on Saturday, June 15th; and you can hear them at Blu Crabhouse on June 6th.  Their schedule will be posted in our Who’s Where When soon.

Another wonderful female vocalist was next up on my radar.  I’ve heard Cecilia’s Fall many times but I was excited to hear and see them perform on the stage at Fager’s Island during the famous Monday Deck Party.  I was not disappointed.  Tess Koller is a rock star, plain and simple.  She was all over that stage singing her heart out with her bandmates on fire on their respective instruments.  Jeremy Brink (who adds vocals) was on guitar (both acoustic and electric) with son Gavin Hades by his side playing incredible leads - another bona fide rock star at the ripe old age of 17.  That’s right.  Gavin has already shared stages with well known artists such as Bret Michaels and Jimmy Charles.  The sky’s the limit for this young man.  Hopefully you saw all the pictures in last week’s issue.  Jeff Davis on bass is a permanent fixture with the band now (he’s also with Full Circle) since Mike Rogers became an official member of the Jimmy Charles Band.  It was a fantastic night!

Memorial Day Monday I had planned to spend some time with Tranzfusion at M.R. Ducks but bad weather forced a cancellation.  That meant I could stay for the entire show of the ever popular Teenage Rust at Coins.  It was a blast from beginning to end.  Wish I could have been on the dance floor with everyone having such a good time but I did get to sing with the band; always a thrill.

During the week I returned to The Angler to hear the one and only Aaron D. Howell.  I’ve been listening to Aaron since back when his gorgeous blonde hair was long.  Oops; I can see him turning red now.  You’ll find Aaron most often playing as a duo with Chuck DeMartin on drums; fondly referred to as the ‘drum slut.’  Rick Smith joins them on bass sometimes as well.  Aaron is one of those rare performers who can loop rhythm parts on guitar and play leads over top - like Ed Sheeran does, for example.  And he plays harmonica to boot.  We were most entertained by a wide and eclectic repertoire from more than 100 songs on his request list.  In addition to his wonderfully pleasing voice, as I mentioned he is a most excellent guitarist.  Go check him out at Coconuts Beach Bar & Grill on Wednesday, June 5.  My Trivia team enjoyed his Trivia 21 all winter long at Taphouse West and he’s still doing it at the new Taphouse North.  Check out his facebook page for a glimpse into his rich family life; beautiful wife and children.

It’s time for me to wrap this up.  Let me encourage you to check out the Who’s Where When listing where you’ll see, among others, Kevin Poole & Joe Mama Saturday at noon, 33 RPM on Sunday, Rogue Citizens on Monday, Dave Hawkins & Joe Mama on Tuesday and The Chest Pains on Thursday.  Sarah Robins of Endless Ember tells me friend Lauren Glick will join her Saturday at Saltwater 75.  The Mercury Agenda will play at the Jungle Bar behind the Plaza on Saturday, and Tranzfusion is at Bourbon St. on the Beach tonight (Friday).  Always so many great acts playing around town.  Get out and enjoy Spring, my friends.  Be kind to one another and always party safe.

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