Written By: Brenda Golden
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Endless Ember will perform Saturday at Saltwater 75.
For the very best in album-perfect rock music visit the Ocean Pines Yacht Club Friday to hear Tranzfusion.
Party with Lime Green Saturday at Coconuts Beach Bar & Grill.
Enjoy a Saturday afternoon with Mercury Agenda at the Caribbean Pool Bar.
Hi, friends.  Well, color me excited!  I’m going on a road trip to meet my brand new GREAT grandson who has the coolest name: Jett James.  So happy for proud young parents Haley & Mason who have been blessed with this sweet little guy.  It’s been a few years since I ventured out of the area and I’ve never been to the mountains of Pennsylvania; no further than Doe Mountain, that is, when we use to ski.  So, yeah, I’m excited.

Meanwhile, on the music scene last week, I had a great time hearing a few of my favorite bands starting with Cecilia’s Fall last Saturday at Harborside.  Lead guitarist Gavin Hades was on the road with his pal’s Gavin Evick Band; so they enlisted Nalen from The Mercury Agenda to fill in for him.  He, of course, did a wonderful job, often dueling guitars with band leader Jeremy.  Likewise, bass man Jeff (Full Circle & Chest Pains) was unable to make it, so Eddie filled in on bass.  John, as always, was terrific on the drums and Tess was belting out the tunes as she always does.  Unfortunately, though, she was on crutches.  While she couldn’t stand and jump around as usual, her vocals were excellent as always.  These talented folks don’t miss a beat even with guest players; a true testament to their talents.

Later I checked in to The Angler on the dock for a few hours of wonderful music from Lauren Glick who played yet another recent original tune for us - among the amazing number of popular classic tunes, of course.  She can play and sing anything and everything when solo on her keyboard.  Sunday’s performance was totally different when she played with the band at Coconuts Beach Bar & Grill.  She ditched both her bass and keyboard to perform as a free spirit singing up a storm in a decidedly rock fest of songs from such artists as Janis Joplin, Heart, Jethro Tull, Rolling Stones and The Beatles’ “Helter Skelter” and “Come Together,” for example.  On this outing bass man Ted  sang a few as did Mike (33 RPM) on drums.  The incomparable Dane (The Klassix) played smokin’ guitar with all these talented players showcasing the incredible Lauren Glick.  Check out Who’s Where When on this website to view Lauren’s upcoming performance schedule.

Saturday night I visited Coins for another performance of the highly entertaining group called The Mercury Agenda.  Yes, Nalen made it after playing with Cecilia’s Fall earlier to share guitar duties with Chris.  Holding down the heartbeat of the band were drummer David and bassist Austin.  Front and center is the impressive Doug on vocals.  I swear he sounds just like Jim Morrison on The Doors’ tunes.  As I’ve written about them many times, I’m so appreciative that they play so many cool old rock classics going back to Cream and Hendrix, as well as music from more recent decades.  They give us an interesting variety of music in the highest possible calibre of musical performance each and every time I hear them.  Catch them tomorrow early at the Caribbean Pool Bar and check their schedule in the Coconut Times listing for more.

Other bands in Coconut Times include Tranzfusion who you can hear tonight (Friday) at the OP Yacht Club.  Lime Green Band can be heard Saturday at Coconuts Beach Bar & Grill.  Sarah, with her revolving cast of duo partners in Endless Ember, is busy this weekend with Rick at Saltwater 75 today; at the Caribbean Pool Bar with Neil on Saturday; and again at Saltwater 75 on Wednesday with Chris (of Mercury Agenda).  

There’s so much to see and hear in our beautiful town that I’m sure you’re going to find something that suits you.  If I get out tonight it will probably be to hear 33 RPM at The Angler and maybe Rockoholics at Coins.  Tomorrow Old School returns (finally) to Harborside and I would love to hear them.  For now, though, I’m too excited to sit here any longer so I’m closing this now and getting ready for music and a road trip!  Be kind, my friends, and always party safe.

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