Written By: Brenda Golden
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Rogue Citizens: Nick Clark, Mike Chester & Jaiden Denk; Scott Glorioso not seen on drums. Hear them Saturday at Pickles Pub.
Happy 60th birthday to the always enthusiastically entertaining wild man on the bass - Rock! 33 RPM
Rick & Regina will perform Sunday at Coconuts Beach Bar & Grill.
Get on the party bus to hear Tranzfusion, playing tonight at Beach Barrels.
When will Mother Nature decide what season it is?!  We’re all feeling the effects of the season-slippage (is that a thing? I think so) that’s causing AC’s to be on, then off, then on again - and off again.  Not to mention not knowing how to dress; and maybe most importantly to me - being too cold and/or rainy to enjoy outdoor music.  Yep, it kept me from going to Coconuts Beach Bar & Grill yesterday (Friday) to hear Lime Green Band and I’m so bummed about it.  If I sound like I’m complaining, I guess I am because weather kept me home last Saturday, too, from hearing 33 RPM at Beach Barrels where I also missed celebrating with Rock, one of the coolest bass men I know, for his 6oth birthday. Next best thing: Terry Sullivan took some pictures for me/us that soothed my bereft soul; you know I love music - and all of you.  No to worry (I guess) ‘cause the sun is shining today - oh, wait!  It just clouded over as I’m talking to you.  Geez!

I did make it back to Coconuts last Sunday to hear the Rogue Citizens.  Wow!  These four excellent musicians are quite special as they’ve translated their love of all music, including Reggae, Rock, Funk, Blues, to create their own sound:  a distinct fusion of all these but with the underlying vibe usually Reggae.  Mike Chester is front and center doing most of the vocals.  One of the things that impressed me about Mike, besides his good voice, is no music stand; he’s got those lyrics goin’ on in his head, folks.  Is that a youth thing that they can remember all those words?  Perish the thought.  But I digress ... Visually striking, as well as being a first-class bass player, is Nick Clark.  Why do I say striking?  ... his really long dreads.  Magnificent!  On lead guitar was Jaiden Denk (if the name is familiar, yes, he’s Tres & Kathy’s son).  This young man has been playing for years and it shows with the level of his skill.  In the back on drums was Scott Glorioso, whom I could not see, so he’s not in the picture; but we could certainly hear him.  Scott provided some backup vocals for Mike and carried the lead on a few rap-style tunes - I told you they do it all.  If you want to hear for yourselves, head on over to Pickles Pub tonight; they’ll begin their show at 9pm.  Be prepared to party because this group has quite a following of enthusiastic partiers.

You can start your party tour early today, if you like, by heading over to Coconuts Beach Bar & Grill (right now; it’s 1pm, Sat.) and hear Kevin Poole & Joe Mama, a perennial favorite on the Shore; and rock out with Stratus Fear at 5p.  Or you can go to Papi’s Taco Joint where the incomparable Lauren Glick will begin her show at 3p ... or, how about hearing the exciting band known as Cecilia’s Fall playing right now (‘til 5p) at Harborside.  I’m looking forward to hearing Rick & Regina play Sunday at Coconuts at 4p.  We are so fortunate to have such an abundance of riches in our local musicians as we can all agree.  Blessed, indeed.

Oooh, is that the sun trying to cut through the clouds - again?  Just wait a bit and see what comes next, right?  Keeps it interesting I guess.  So I forgive you, Mother Nature.  Time to sign off and go see my prom-bound grand kids ... exciting night for them.  Please always be kind to one another and remember to party safe.  Love to all!
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