Written By: Brenda Golden
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The Dunehounds at Harborside; hear them Wednesday, June 12, at Coconuts Beach Bar & Grill.
Check out Cecilia's Fall Saturday at Harborside Bar & Grill.
The Lauren Glick Band will perform Sunday at Coconuts Beach Bar & Grill.
Endless Ember - Sarah & Chris - will play Saturday at Saltwater 75.
The Mercury Agenda will rock Saturday at Coins Pub & Restaurant.
Party with Tranzfusion Friday at Beach Barrels.
Hi, all.  Are you enjoying this wonderful sunshine and warm temperatures?  I know I am.  And I’m really enjoying all the fantastic music being offered all over town; far too many for me to cover them all, that’s for sure.  This week I’d like to talk to you about one of my favorite bands - The Dunehounds.  I had the pleasure of hearing them last Saturday at Harborside in West O.  This talented foursome is comprised of players who are each and every one capable of headlining their own solo shows.  Of course, that means each one sings and plays guitar on their own; but I’m getting ahead of myself.  Let me introduce you to the band.  On lead guitar is Sean Loomis who is one busy guy.  You’ll spot him in several other very successful bands: Full Circle, String Buzzards, sometimes Loomatix, sometimes as a duo with such players as AJ Fox, with Darin Engh and whoever joins in on the last Sunday of the month for the Bluegrass Pickup Pickin’ Party at Harborside; and sometimes solo.  In fact, you can hear him play solo every other Monday at noon at Coconuts Beach Bar & Grill.  In addition to being an excellent guitarist, Sean is blessed with a voice that’s like a warm blanket on a cold night, making him an asset and a friend to so many fellow musicians since coming to town from Leesburg, Va., a few years back.  We’re so glad he decided to stay.

Also sharing rhythm and lead guitar duties with Sean is Troy Mawyer.  I remember when Troy first came to town seeking to join our musical community.  It wasn’t long before he moved on from Open Mic nights to having shows of his own in such places as the Hilton Pool Bar.  Since joining The Dunehounds, Troy is a major contributor with great lead guitar parts and vocal harmonies.  Bass man Kasey Briggs is another who has expanded his skills to playing guitar for solo acts.  If you check out his facebook page, you’ll see that, in addition to solo shows, he joins forces with Not That Jason Lee playing as The Upside of Down.  He writes that “this collaboration started a couple years ago when Not That Jason Lee and I merged our passions to start Shorebreak Entertainment.   Focusing on great harmonies and using 2 guitars in completely different ways, this show is something of which I've really become proud.  You'll definitely be seeing more from us!”  Also, he and partner Steve Kenney play every Thursday at The Wedge Bar.  So you can see how versatile and busy this guy is too.  Providing the heart beat is Adam Bilenki on drums who also contributes much of the vocals while also beautifully harmonizing with Sean as well.  Adam was kind enough to share a bit of his background with me.  His parents are none other than the incredible duo known as The Bilenkis - George and Patricia.  Adam says his dad started out as a drummer for various bands in his youth, so there was a drum kit in the basement that beckoned to young Adam who taught himself to play; so having mastered it so young is probably why he is able to drum and sing so well at the same time.  Later, he taught himself guitar as well so he could play solo shows too.  

So you get the picture, right?  All four sing and all are excellent musicians, which makes them so interesting and able to cover so many different genres of music.  I jotted down a few examples that started with a song they dedicated to me, which just happened to have my name in it - “Golden Years” by David Bowie.  You never know what you’ll hear next as they play Rock, Pop, Blue Grass, Country - all different and so refreshing to hear song selections we rarely hear from other bands. There were tunes from Tom Petty, Paul Simon, Grateful Dead, Eric Clapton, Willie Nelson, Dwight Yoakum and so many more.  The band is so sharp and tight on rhythm changes and endings; a sure sign of pure professionalism and love of music.  I was blown away when these attributes were highlighted in an original tune called “Vacation Song,” after which they grabbed the audience back with a double dose of the Stones’ “Honky Tonk Women” and “Start Me Up.”  Genius!  

It was a perfect Saturday afternoon at the recently updated Harborside watching the boats cruise up and down the harbor.  I zoned out reminiscing of the days when hubby Capt. Ron had our commercial boat, Scooch Too, docked nearby.  Many overwhelming memories poured over me from which I was pulled back to reality with such tunes as “Eminence Front” and “L.A. Woman” - no end of awesome music from the amazing Dunehounds.  Be sure to go hear them as soon as you can; maybe on Wednesday, June 12, at Coconuts Beach Bar & Grill.

I’ve rattled on long enough so I’ll leave it up to you to check out Who’s Where When to decide who you want to hear this week.  Enjoy the music, be kind and always party safe!

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